How to Write a Press Release
November 7, 2022

Businesses are always looking for a way to get their product or service in front of more people. But the most common methods for digital marketing have major downsides. Paid advertising requires a big upfront budget, blog content can take months to start ranking, and social media is notoriously hard to monetize. Press releases are completely free and you only need to make one of them to start gaining more awareness around your brand.
In this article, you’ll learn what a press release is, how to write one, and the difference between press releases and blogs. Keep reading to get actionable tips on how to grow your company’s brand and SEO.
What is a press release and what is its purpose
A press release is a statement issued to the media that is intended to generate coverage of a particular event or story. The purpose of a press release is to raise awareness, build interest, and ultimately generate positive publicity.
While media outlets such as newspapers, television stations, and online publications are still the most common recipients of press releases, the rise of social media has created new opportunities for getting the word out.
Businesses use press releases as a way to promote new services, products, or goodwill. When media outlets pick up the story, businesses are able to generate public interest using other platforms.
How to write a press release that attracts journalists
When used correctly, press releases can be an effective way to generate media coverage and raise the overall awareness of a brand. However, with so many businesses vying for the attention of a single reporter, it can be difficult to get your press release noticed. Here are a few tips to help you write a press release that will capture the attention of the media:
- Keep it newsworthy: Make sure that your press release contains information that is interesting and newsworthy. Journalists are always on the lookout for stories that will appeal to their audience, so make sure your press release contains something unique that will pique their interest.
- Keep it brief: A press release should be no more than one page in length. Getting straight to the point will help to keep the attention of busy journalists. Outline your most interesting points at the beginning of the press release to garner the most attention.
- Highlight what’s new: Be sure to highlight what is new and different about your product or event compared to the competition. This will help to make your press release stand out and become published.
- Use quotes: Take advantage of quotes from experts or customers to add credibility and interest to your press release. You can even quote yourself if you feel the brand needs a bigger spokesperson.
- Include a photo: Include a high-quality photo with your press release to make it more eye-catching. Make sure the photo is relevant to the press release and communicates the aesthetic of the brand.
By following these tips, you can increase the chances of your press release getting noticed by journalists and eventually appearing in the media. If you are just starting it’s best to have a checklist of these tips so you can ensure you complete each one.
The Differences between Blogging and Press Releases
Both press releases and blog articles serve different purposes. Press releases are designed to generate interest in your company or product, and are typically written in a formal tone. They are usually fairly short and often include quotes from company representatives.
Blogs, on the other hand, are more personal and conversational. They provide an opportunity to share your company’s story, and to connect with potential customers on a more personal level. Blogs are mainly written with keyword research and intended to rank high in search engines to gain a bigger audience through organic traffic.
Blogs include visual elements like graphics, pictures, or videos while press releases usually only include text. The structure and format of a blog range widely depending on the brand and the type of content included. Press releases, on the other hand, are very straightforward and follow an MLA documentation style.
While press releases aim to raise brand awareness, blogs are created to gain a bigger audience and move leads further down the sales cycle. For this reason, blogs tend to be more entertaining and engaging while press releases are formal and full of factual information.
The SEO benefits of having a well-written press release
There are many benefits to writing a well-crafted press release, but an SEO boost may be the biggest needle-mover in the long term.
Backlinks are a large factor in how high a website ranks in search engines. The more authoritative backlinks you have the more authority gets passed to your site, causing more pages to start ranking in search engines.
When you write a press release there is often a link you include that leads people back to your website. As news organizations start to use your press release they start inadvertently creating more backlinks to your site, causing your site to have better SEO and rank higher.
In addition, a press release can help to build authority and credibility for your brand, both of which are essential for success in the online world. If you are looking to improve your SEO, a press release can be a powerful tool. With the right approach, it can help you to achieve greater visibility and reach a wider audience.
How to distribute your press release
A press release is an excellent way to promote your company or product. However, simply writing a press release is not enough – you also need to distribute it to the right people.
There are a few different ways to do this. One option is to submit your press release to online media databases. These databases are used by journalists, and they allow you to target specific media outlets. Instead of hunting down each individual journalist, you post one release and they come to you.
Another option is to contact journalists directly. This can be done through social media, email, or even by calling them on the phone. You might not have a high success rate if all you’re doing is reaching out and asking for them to include your press release. Instead, create relationships with the journalist, read some of their materials, and get an idea of which ones work best for your business.
Finally, you can also use paid advertising to reach a wider audience. This method will be more expensive than the others but you are guaranteed to get your press release in front of your audience. Businesses looking for a quick way to get in front of as many eyes as possible should use paid advertising.
Whichever method you choose, make sure that your press release is well-written and includes all the relevant information.
Using a Press Release for the Right Purpose
Press releases are an essential part of any business’s marketing and PR strategy. They offer a way to communicate factual information about your company in a concise, formal manner that can generate coverage and bring more awareness to your brand. Understand the difference between a blog and press release to ensure you’re targeting the right audience with the right message. Your site will also enjoy a huge SEO boost if the press release gets picked up by a major news outlet.
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