Content Writing
The most important part of SEO is delivering amazing content that users will want to read.
This means the content must be technically legible for search engines, whilst also being readable enough for users to enjoy and want to engage in.
We will create amazing content that you can use on your blog, social accounts, and promotional material.

We Write Content that Ranks!
Keyword Optimized
Before we actually write your content. We will find keywords that signal an intent to buy. We will put these through our tools and our team will analyze the keywords that make sense to write content around.
From there, we will make sure to include enough of those keywords in your content so that its appetizing to search engines, but flows well enough for regular readers to enjoy.

For Both Humans and Search Engines
Writing content for both search engines and humans can be challenged without the proper experience.
Search engines generally like content that is rich with keywords, follows a technical format that is compliant, and is long and filled with information.
But users want content where they can find information fast, is enjoyable to read, and not too overwhelming with keywords.
Our experts will deliver the perfectly optimized article for both search engines and humans.
Short Form
Short form content is excellent when you are trying to go for getting readers the information they want in the fastest way possible.
Content that excels at shortform are simple technical tutorials, announcements, promotions, and quick answer pages.
We can put together concise shortform content for you to share with both customers and prospects.

Long-form Content
Long-form content typically exceeds 1500-2000 words and is considered the gold standard for search optimized content.
To do long-form well, it needs to have a perfect number of keywords (without keyword stuffing), lots of useful information, graphics, and other media.
Our long-form content is among some of the longest (well written!) content in the industry. We will typically exceed 2000 words making our articles ideal for search engine optimization.
Engagement Reports
Most digital marketing agencies fail to interact and explain their strategy with clients.
When we write content we will constantly engage in our strategy and generate reports showing how much engagement our articles garnered.
We want you to see when our content is working and why it is working so you learn from the process.